LinkedIn Shadowban

Hello all. Six days ago, we published our post about some LinkedIn Lunatics from Portugal. We also made a post on our LinkedIn account where we directly tagged the people we discussed in our post. A few hours laters, leadership saw our profile, as well as Diogo Mónica from Anchorage Digital. We should note that’s Legal Officer was among those from the company who saw our profile, as you can see in this screenshot
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LinkedIn Lunatics

Dear followers, This post is about the famous “LinkedIn Lunatics”. Most of you are probably familiar with the term. For those that aren’t, a brief explanation follows. A LinkedIn lunatic, is typically someone who: Is a white man Is very wealthy Is completely out of touch with the real world Is a Tech Bro Has perspectives of work that ultimately favour the company and makes everyone poorer except those at the top Thinks everyone can invest in stocks or crypto currencies and get wealthy fast Not all LinkedIn Lunatics check all of the bullet points.
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The sacrifice and lamenting mentality - perspective from a Portuguese that doesn’t identify as a Portuguese

Dear followers, This post isn’t specifically about the IT world. However, it’s something we didn’t want to let go of because of how close to the heart this topic is to the person who suggested it. Let’s go. A lot of young people from the 90s onwards (we’re sorry if we’re excluding some people from the 80s and 70s who also relate to this), for better or for worse, are a product of a globalized culture.
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Silicon Ponzi Valley - Tech Bros and bullshitting

Everyone in the IT world knows about famous Silicon Valley. The heaven of software development, where the best minds join together to create products that change the world. And this isn’t too far away from the truth. Many companies, who today have a significant global impact, headquartered in this northern California region. Thanks to unrelentless investments by the American military sector, universities with great scientific research bodies, government regulations that favored companies, and electronic pioneers like William Shockley (don’t ignore the fact that he was into eugenics), John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, Silicon Valley is today seen as the place for software developers to be if they want to be someone in life.
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Critical Software - Intelectual Dishonesty for Workers

Dear readers, binaries, non-binaries and hexadecimals, engineers, or any other job you may have, On the day 23/08/2024, there was an information leak from Critical Software - a software house with great reputation in Portugal. The content of this leak is an e-mail, which tells us the following: Following the announcement made by our CEO, João Carreira, during Q2's All Hands meeting last July, we would like to share with you the main changes and updates to our Hybrid Model.
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